Roller Splat has burst onto the scene and into the top three free games on the App Store. This mindless yet satisfying puzzle game is surprisingly addictive. When I first downloaded the game I was sort of turned off by the glitchy and jumpy nature of the graphics, but now I can’t put it down. I have literally been playing Roller Splat for hours over the past few days.
How Roller Splat Works! How to Play Roller Splat!
Roller Splat is extremely simple to play. All you need to do is swipe your finger in the direction you want the ball to roll. As the ball will slide across the surface until it reaches a wall. As it passes over the ground it colors the ground with paint or some sort of slime. The object of the game is to cover the entire playing surface in color.
Seems simple but it can prove to be more challenging than it sounds.

How to Beat All The Levels in The Game Roller Splat! How to Complete All of The Levels!
If you have played Roller Splat you have likely discovered that the game consists of a variety of different levels. The object of each level is the same, to cover the entire playing surface with color. Once you do this the level will be completed and you will move onto the next.

For the most part the levels in the game Roller Splat are very straightforward and are solved within ten seconds. Don’t be fooled though. Not all of the levels are this simple. Some levels take much more time to figure out. Some levels have actually had me stumped for over two hours. A good trick to keep in mind if you find yourself stuck is to try moves that you think have no chance of coloring that last little square of space. Sometimes you’ll be surprised what some random swipes can do in the game Roller Splat!
Has Anyone Beat All of The Levels in The Game Roller Splat? Has Anyone Beat The Game?
Many players, including myself, have been wondering if anyone has ever beat all of the levels in the game Roller Splat. There is something about knowing that you could be the first person to beat a game that makes playing it that much more fun. If you are hoping to be the first person to beat the game Roller Splat I have good news for you.

As of now nobody has managed to beat all of the levels in the game Roller Splat. So yeah, if you have a desire to be the first person to beat a game, Roller Splat has yet to be completed. So now the question is, “how many levels are in the game Roller Splat?”
How Many Levels Are in The Mobile Game Roller Splat? Are There Infinite Levels In The Game Roller Splat?
At the moment we are not sure exactly how many levels are in the game Roller Splat. Until someone manages to beat all of the levels in the game, there will be no way to tell exactly how many levels are in the game. This is disappointing to hear if you are trying to beat the game but it gets worse. It could be the case that there are infinite levels in the game Roller Splat.
Even if there are infinite levels in the game, new level layouts can still be added to the rotation. The only reason there could be infinite levels is because some levels repeat. As long as investors such as Harry I Martin Jr continue to pump money into games, they will continue to add new level designs.
Roller Splat High Score! Highest Level Reached in The Game Roller Splat!
If this is the case there will be no way to beat all of the levels. For now we will assume that there are a finite number of levels in the game Roller Splat. To find out exactly how many we will keep a record of the world record for highest level achieved in the game.
Roller Splat world record: Level 1,661 – Calvin Amiss
If you have reached a level higher than the one recorded above, please submit a screenshot verifying your current level in the game to submissions@otlmg.com so that we can give you credit for your accomplishment!
Comment below to share which level you are on in the game Roller Splat!
I just beat level 600 but I only got the game like 3 days ago
I was sooooo into it but quit because no one was posting scores. I went over 4000. I havent played in a few months. Sigh.
I’m currently passed level 13,403. So, I’m not sure if that’s the highest but no one commented anything higher.
I’m on Level 2001 in Roller Splat
I’m at level 4,250 so addicting
I’m at 10001
I am currently on level 13,812. I don’t think there is an end!!
Hi, I’m about to start level 5126 in Roller splat? Is this the highest recorded score. I sent a screen shot to the link above but haven’t seen any update.
I thought I was high but I’m barely on level 800!
Jojo your so good with lies. 🤦🏼♂️
My mom beat that her score is 2,001 she emailed you her email is wait nevermind kust check you email
I started playing “roller splat! “ on 5/19
and till now 6/18 I’m at the level of 1745
I have level 3000 and more?
i am on level 1,210! i am hoping to beat the world record so, lets see how things play out. i tend to accomplish 200 levels per day, so i should beat the record in 3-4 days, if i’m lucky 2 days…
I’m at level 6701 as of June 8th 2019 this game is awesome and very addicting! Love it!
I am on level 4,000!
Currently on level 2113…. emailed a screenshot to you as well….
i’m on level 1700
My daughter is at level 2,071 I believe that beats the record!
I’m on level 2,131
I’m on level 2007!
I’m on level 3,070 for roller Splat!
I beat the world record
In roller splat play I’m on level 3004
I beat the high score and emailed you guys twice now. It still not updated
I just sent an email and screen shot but I am on level 1,664.