Stack Ball 3D Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!

Stack Ball 3D Game Guide

Game Guide For Stack Ball 3D Mobile Game 

Mobile game developers have discovered a style of game that mobile gamers cannot get enough of. Most popular mobile games today have been developed around being satisfying. Games used to try to challenge players to keep them interested. People are much too impatient in today’s age. The solution, make the games stupid easy with satisfying animations. That is the key to creating an addictive mobile game these days. People just love satisfying things

A perfect example of this theory in action is the game Stack Ball 3D. This game is very similar to games such as Helix Jump or Hoop Smash . If you are going to give this game your full attention you will undoubtably beat every level with ease. This game is easy which is why it is so popular. People like to play games that they can play without giving their full attention; Stack Ball 3D checks all the boxes.


How to Play Stack Ball 3D

How To Play The Game Stack Ball 3D on iPhone and Android

The Game Stack Ball 3D is super easy to play. You can easily play Stack Ball 3D with just one finger, or even your elbow if you want to give that a try. The basic goal of Stack Ball 3D is to get a bouncing ball to the bottom of a tower of geometric levels stacked on top of one another. 

To do this you will simply tap and hold on the screen when the ball is above a colored level. When you tap and hold the ball will dive down with enough force to shatter the levels below it. The longer you hold down the longer the ball will dive and shatter through levels. If you hold too long and the ball hits a black level, the ball will shatter and you will have to start over again. You must release before your ball hits a black level then retouch the screen once you bounce over to a colored tile. 

It is kind of confusing to read about it but once you play a few rounds of Stack Ball 3D you will get the hang of it and be good to go. Although the game Stack Ball 3D is very easy to play, there are a few different tips and strategies that can be used to take your play to the next level. Below you will find some of the best Stack Ball 3D tips ever discovered. 


Stack Ball 3D Tips

Stack Ball 3D Tips and Strategies! How to Get The Highest Score Ever in Stack Ball 3D!

Despite being probably one of the easiest mobile games ever, there are some tips and strategies that can help you get a higher score and possibly break the world record in the game Stack Ball 3D. Below you will find some of the best tips and strategies to use when you play Stack Ball 3D that will help you beat all the levels and maybe even break the world record. 

Stack Ball 3D Tip #1: Look for Streaks 

If you look at the different levels below you, you will notice that at times there are levels that alternate color, black, color, black and so on. These are the least efficient places to tap and hold because you will only be able to drop one level at a time. If you are patient and wait for a long streak of colored levels, you will be able to tap and hold for a longer period of time. We call breaking through a number of levels on a single tap a streak. If you get a long enough streak your ball will become invincible. 

Stack Ball 3D Tip #2: Learn How to Become Invincible, You Won’t Regret It

One of the most satisfying parts of the game Stack Ball 3D is when you become invincible. Most people don’t know how to get this power up but once you figure it out it is fare and away one of the most satisfying features of the game Stack Ball 3D. 

To become invincible you must go on either a very long streak or combine a few streaks together. When you go on a decently long streak you will notice a white circle start to form in the bottom center of the screen. Once the circle is completed, it will turn red and your ball will be invincible. Once your ball is invincible you will be able to break through any level regardless of color. This boost will help you beat more Stack Ball 3D levels faster. 


Stack Ball 3D Tips

How Many Levels Are In Stack Ball 3D? Has Anyone Beat All The Levels in Stack Ball 3D? 

Players of Stack Ball 3D typically have one of two different goals. One, to get the highest score possible, or two, to beat all the levels in the game Stack Ball 3D. The question is… How many levels are in the game Stack Ball 3D? 

As of now we are not entirely sure how many levels there are in the game Stack Ball 3D. The game does not provide a list of levels for you to see your progress and determine how close you are to beating the game. Also, nobody has come forward with proof that they have beat all of the levels in the game Stack Ball 3D. Without knowing how many levels there are, we have decided to track who has reached the highest level on this page. Below you will find the current world record for highest level in the game Stack Ball 3D. 


How Many Levels Are in Stack Ball 3D?

Stack Ball 3D World Record Highest Level! Who Has Reached The Highest Level in The Game Stack Ball 3D?

Even though we do not know the exact number of levels in the game Stack Ball 3D, we can still have a little friendly competition. Below you will find the current world record for highest level ever reached in the mobile game Stack Ball 3D!


Stack Ball 3D World Record: Level 1,214

This level was achieved by Daisy Walmark. If you have reached a level higher than the one recorded above please submit a screenshot containing a screenshot of your current level along with your name to Please mention “Stack Ball 3D highest level” in the subject line. Once our team verifies your current level we will update the record!

Stack Ball 3D World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

We have seen some very impressive high score submissions for the game Stack Ball 3D. Unfortunately, there can only be one world record high score for the game. Below you will find the current world record high score leaderboard for the mobile game Stack Ball 3D!

1st: 5,539 – Sammy Childers

2nd: 5,498 – Caroline Cross

3rd: 3,283 – Damien Walker

If you have scored higher than anyone listed in the ranking above, please submit your score to us so we can give you credit! To submit your score just send an email to In your email include a screenshot of your score along with your name and the name of the game (Stack Ball 3D High Score). 

Once our team verifies your score we will add your name to the world record leaderboard!

Comment below and share the highest you have ever scored in the game Stack Ball 3D!

9 thoughts on “Stack Ball 3D Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!”

  1. Pooja Ranjhani

    HI Team,
    Highesh score is 8464,
    Name : Pooja Ranjhani
    I havealready share the screenshot on mention mail id

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