Picker 3D Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!

Picker 3D Game Guide

Picker 3D Game Guide

Games like Color Hole 3D were extremely popular in the beginning of 2019. Recently a game very similar but at the same time very different has surged to the top of the free game rankings. Picker 3D is a game that combines elements from Color Hole 3D with some unique characteristics. Everything combined, this game is really fun and a great time killer. 

Below you will find our review of the game Picker 3D!

Picker 3D Mobile Game Review 

Rollic Games released the game Picker 3D in May 2019. Picker 3D is by far Rollic Games’ most successful and popular mobile game. Picker 3D made it as high as number two on Apple’s rankings of the top free mobile games. This game offers players a great way to kill time but if you are looking for a game you can play for a year straight and not get tired of it, this is not a good choice. 

Anyway lets analyze Rollic Games’ most popular game Picker 3D…


How fun is this game?

Picker 3D has enough going on to keep it interesting and fun. The graphics are smooth if your device is running a sufficiently up to date operating system. The gameplay is satisfying and requires just enough effort to keep you interested while not making the game hard. 

Our Funness Rating for Picker 3D is a 7.5



How hard is the game?


The game Picker 3D is fairly difficult but by no means is it frustrating. Getting all the blocks into the scoop or picker is easy for the most part but on certain levels the amount of blocks required to beat the level leaves very little room for error. In the grand scheme of things Picker 3D is harder than most other games that are popular and requires a bit of effort. 

Our Difficulty rating for Picker 3D is a 4.1


How addictive is this game?


Picker 3D is a great game if you are looking for a game that will have you wanting to play day after day. It may not be addictive enough to keep you from watching TV but if you have a moment when you are board you will want to open up Picker 3D and pick some blocks! If you want a game that is going to keep you entertained in your down time, Picker 3D is a great choice. 

Our addictiveness rating for Picker 3D is a 5.6

How to Play Picker 3D! How to Beat All The Levels!

The objective of the game Picker 3D is very straightforward. At times the game can be extremely easy but if you aren’t paying attention it is not difficult to fail a level. The game Picker 3D consists of a number of levels that themselves are made up of different sections. Each section challenges you to use a U-shaped picker to collect white blocks from the path and push them into a hole at the far end of the play surface. Each section has a predetermined number of blocks that you must collect and push into the hole in order to beat the level. If you do not push enough blocks into the hole, you fail the section and must restart the level. In order to beat a level you must successfully complete all the sections in the level. 

In order to control the U-shaped picker you must touch and hold a finger or thumb on the screen and drag it left or right depending on where the blocks are. The picker will move with your finger. Sometimes it will be easy to get all the blocks or shapes but other times they will be scattered all over the place and it will be impossible to get every single block; don’t worry though, it will always be possible to beat a level. There are not any levels that are extremely difficult but there are levels that can be failed if you don’t focus. Every time you beat a section in the game Picker 3D your picker will size up. This means that it will increase in size which will make it easier to collect blocks in the next section. Once you beat the level, you will start the next level with the same size picker you started with in the previous level. The size up power-up does not carry over. 

There are many different power ups you can unlock in the game Picker 3D…

Picker 3D Tips and Cheats

There are different power ups you can unlock and collect in the game Picker 3D that will make the levels easier to beat. To unlock different power ups in the game Picker 3D you must watch ads at the end of levels. When you download the game you will start with one power up but you can unlock more. At the end of some levels you will be prompted with an option to watch an ad to unlock a new power up. If you watch the ad you will be rewarded with a different power up. You cannot choose which power up you use. At the beginning of some sections you will be rewarded with a power up but you do not get to choose which power up you use. It is sort of just randomly assigned to you. 

If you do not have a power up for a section don’t worry… Here are some of the best tips and cheats to use when you play the game Picker 3D!

Picker 3D Tips and Cheats To Help You Beat All of The Levels 

Our top mobile gamers have been coming up with some great tips and cheats that can help you beat all the levels in the game Picker 3D! Below you will find the most helpful tips that will help you beat every level in the game Picker 3D with ease!

Tip 1 – Go Crazy With The Picker! 

Sometimes the blocks will be so spread out in a level that you won’t be able to collect them all with the picker. In this situation it can be beneficial for you to just to crazy and get all the blocks moving toward the pit at the end of the section. Even if you don’t get all the blocks inside the picker, they can still slide into the pit at the end and count toward your total. If you can’t get all the blocks just try to bump them forward into the pit. 

Tip 2 – Focus on High Density Areas

In some levels in the game Picker 3D there are blocks scattered in a pattern that is not uniform. Some areas will have more blocks per square foot than others. It is important to focus on the higher density areas if you know you won’t be able to get every block. Levels that have areas with more blocks than other areas typically have a higher block requirement to move on to the next level. Be sure to go for the higher density areas then use the go crazy technique from tip 1 to help you gather up any last minute blocks in the final stretch of the level.  

How Many Levels are in The Game Picker 3D?

How Many Levels Are in The Game Picker 3D?

Even if you have only played the game Picker 3D for fifteen seconds, you know that the game is made up of different levels. Each level is made up of different sections that provide players with a different challenge. Many players have reached some very impressive levels in the game Picker 3D. A percentage of these players have reached out to us with the question “how many levels are there in the game Picker 3D?”

To find the answer to this question we have reached out to Rollic Games, the creator of Picker 3D, and inquired about the question. Unfortunately, nobody at Rollic Games was able to give us a straight answer. Either they know an answer and don’t want to share it, or they simply do not know. Someone at Rollic Games has to know the answer but the fact that they did not share the answer makes us believe that there may be infinite levels in the game Picker 3D. 


Outside of reaching out to the developer for answers you can also determine the number of levels in a mobile game once someone beats all the levels. Unfortunately nobody has managed to beat all the levels in the game Picker 3D. Until someone does, we will not know for sure how many levels are in the game. Although this is frustrating for those who have a desire to beat the game, we can still have a fun little competition. On this page we will be tracking the world record for highest level ever reached in the game Picker 3D. 

Below you will find the current record for highest level achieved in the game Picker 3D!

Picker 3D World Record! Highest Level Ever Reached!

We have had some ridiculously high levels submitted to us over the past few months. Unfortunately, there can only be one world record holder. Below you will find the current world record for the highest level ever reached in the game Picker 3D!
Picker 3D World Record: Level 429
This level was achieved by Sarah Shell. If you have reached a higher level in the game Picker 3D, please submit your current level by emailing us at submissions@otlmg.com. Please include a name and a screenshot that verifies your current level. In the subject line please include the name of the game you are submitting for (Picker 3D).
Comment below to share what level you are currently working on in the mobile game Picker 3D!
How Many Levels Are in Picker 3D?

How to Play Picker 3D Without Ads

Everyone loves things that are free but when things are free there is usually a catch. Most people prefer to play free mobile games. Most of the top free mobile games on the app store are littered with advertisements that are always placed in the most annoying spots or pop up and cover your whole screen. Ads are by far the most complained about aspect of mobile gaming. Picker 3D is no different. While you play the game Picker 3D you will have advertisements displayed along the bottom of the screen, right where your thumb sits when playing the game. The developer does this so that you might accidentally click the ad and make them a little extra money. 

Another ad location on the game Picker 3D is a full screen pop up ad or video that is displayed after every single level. These ads are the most annoying because some can last as long as 30 seconds. These ads force you to watch the entire ad before giving you an option to exit out. Some mobile gamers go as far as to delete a game if they see a single one of these pop up ads. A lot of people complain that they are unable to exit out of the ad and are forced to close and restart the game ever time. We have experienced this same problem. Sometimes when you try to tap the x in the corner of the ad, nothing happens and you are stuck with the ad on your screen. 

Luckily there is a way to play Picker 3D with no ads!

To play Picker 3D with no ads all you have to do is put your mobile device into airplane mode before you open the app. This will prevent the game from downloading the advertisements and they won’t have anything to spam you with! This little trick does not work with some games like Dr. Mario World but thankfully it does work with Picker 3D!


How to Get Different Power Ups In The Game Picker 3D

There are a few different power ups available in the game Picker 3D. Most power ups simply add a paddle or two to the edge of your picker while others are a little more interesting. One of our favorite power ups to use is the magnet power up. This power up turns your picker into a magnet and attracts pieces to it. Rollic Games has made it known that they plan on adding different and new power ups with upcoming updates of the game. Some players are having trouble unlocking the different power ups in the game Picker 3D. 

Here is how you do it!

Unlocking power ups in the game Picker 3D is not really done in a typical fashion. The only way to unlock power ups is to watch an advertisement. There is no way to use the stars that you accumulate while playing to unlock new power ups. The stars can only be used to unlock different Picker skins. Another sort of annoying problem is that you can’t choose which power up you unlock. You will randomly be presented with them after you complete a level. If you get a pop up for a power up you want take advantage and watch the ad and get the new power up. In order to watch the ad and get the power up in the game Picker 3D your phone must be taken off of airplane mode. 

Comment below and share your favorite power up in the game Picker 3D!

6 thoughts on “Picker 3D Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!”

    1. It took me forever too! I went crazy at the end with my picker and tried to knock as many stray blocks as I could into the pit. Hope this helps!

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