.io style games have seemingly taken over the mobile gaming world for the moment. Games such as Bumper.io and Hole.io have proved to be wildly popular and extremely addictive. This likely has to do with the fast paced action of this style of game but that is besides the point. We are here to discuss the world record high score or the highest score ever scored in the game Hole.io.
Check it out!
Hole.io City World Record High Score

Being that there are three different landscapes in which to play Hole.io it only makes sense that there be a record high score for each one. We will start with City. City offers a ton of different items for your hole to swallow. Once you get big enough to eat the buildings you can really rack up a high score in City. Here is the current world record high score for City in Hole.io:
Hole.io City High Score: 2,312pts – Ronald
Hole.io Islands World Record High Score

Islands offers sort of a tropical pirate themed landscape in which to swallow the world. Instead of buildings, cones and escaped zoo animals, you swallow island themed things like treasure, palm trees and crabs. Just like in city, the key to a high score is getting big quick. Like the game says itself “The bigger you are the bigger you’ll get.” Here is the current world record high score for Islands in Hole.io:
Hole.io Islands High Score: 2,633 pts. – Evie Lynch
If you have scored higher please comment below so the record may be updated!
Hole.io Future High Score
Future is very similar to the City landscape but offers just a few different features. To unlock Future you simply need to earn a gold star rating. Just like in City, once you can get large enough to devour buildings you can rack up crazy scores that will belittle your competition. Here is the current world record high score for Future on Hole.io:
2,827 pts.
RonaldIf you have scored higher please comment below so the record may be updated!
Submit Your Hole.io High Score
To submit your high score for Hole.io please comment your score below then email a screenshot of your high score to submissions@otlmg.com!
bruh my city record is 5687
I have a high score of 2433 for city
My highest score is 3069 which I got last week. Previous high score was 3030
My 5 year olds top score is 2417 – not bad eh?! Better than me who got 2170 🙁
Island World: 3240 (thought i got higher but apparently that’s all i got. Username: ruler7209
My name is sahil gupta. I have scored
2744 in islands.
My wife has just scored 3234!!😀
3089 Future! Get at me!
2695 on city
2695 on city
3000 city
I have scored 2480 in city
Hello, anybody home.
This page is dead.
2542 on city
Username: Poseidon
I have got 3150 points
Updated records:
City: 2447
Islands: 2980
Future: 3580
Future: 3436
Classic mode
City: 2448
Islands: 3028
Future: 3436
Classic mode
City: 2448
Islands: 3028
Futuristic: 3436
Islands- 2643
2752 on Islands
3000 exactly on futuristic
My high score on Islands is 2649.
My highscore on the city map is 2494
Did it over the summer
My highscore on the city map is 2494
I have 2457 on city map
City 2440
Islands 3066
Future 3314
2778 future city
3460 future city
2448 classic city
3028 islands
I submitted the screenshots but was ignored, i.e. no moderator response
I have a score of 3,250 though I don’t remember which map
I have 2277 points in normal map 3100 on futuristic map
Future – 2827
Islands – 2462
True scores against random people, not against my buddies.
island 4,432
The guy who said he scored 4,432 on island is probably lying.
My records are 3,381 on future, 2,868 on Island and 2,256 on city.
I have 2502 points, on the islands.
I just broke my Future high score with 3,086.
I have 2787 on the islands.
I have 2,832 on the islands
My score 2651
My high score on City is 2244