Clean Road Game Guide
In today’s world it can be hard to find things that are unique. People have gotten into a bad habit of following in the footsteps of others or just straight up stealing ideas. That is why when I found the game Clean Road, I felt relieved. Clean Road is an awesome game that is actually unique for a change.
If you are a big fan of cleaning snow off of roads and helping stranded citizens, Clean Road is the game for you! In this game guide you will find some awesome tips, strategies and general information that will help you succeed in the game Clean Road and quite possibly become the best player in the world!

How To Play The Mobile Game Clean Road on iPhone
Clean Road has been ranked as a top three free game for over a month now and for good reason. This is probably one of the most addictive games that our team has seen in a long time. The simplicity of the gameplay is what makes it so addicting.
The object of the game is to clear a path in a snow covered road for the common citizens to drive in. You must clear the path through various obstacles and clear piles of snow from people’s driveways so they can follow you to the finish line. Once you reach the finish line you have completed the level and advance to the next. Different obstacles include tractors, parked cars, trashcans, and other objects commonly found scattered around on an average road.
Some of the objects such as trashcans and cones are easily moved by the snowplow that you are driving. Others, like tractors, are very heavy and have a lot of inertia. These heavy objects stop your snow plow in its tracks. As you drive the cars that you free up follow your snowplow. If you get stuck on a heavy obstacle the cars behind you will collide into your back. If this happens the game is over and you must start the level over. Basically you want to clear a clean path through the obstacles without hitting anything big.
The game is very straightforward but there are some different tips you can use that will allow you to beat more levels faster and basically complete every level on your first try.
Clean Road Tips and Strategies! How to Beat All of The Levels in The Game Clean Road!
Even though the game Clean Road is very simple and straightforward to play there are some tips that you can use to help you beat every level on your first try. Below you can find some of the best strategies for the game Clean Road. Using these strategies could help you become the best player to ever play Clean Road.
Clean Road Tip #1: Use The Sides of The Road
After playing the game Clean Road for quite a while, we have developed a few different strategies that can help you beat more levels faster. The first tip we have for you is to use the sides of the road. Your plow can actually squeeze between different obstacles and the edge of the road. If you find yourself trying to free a car and a big obstacle is making it look like you won’t be able to get around it, try to split the space between the obstacle and the edge. Nine times out of ten that will be the path of least resistance.
Clean Road Tip #2: Take The Path of Least Resistance
There are a variety of different obstacles scattered in the road that try to slow you down. Some of the obstacles slow your plow down more than others. Try to avoid heavier obstacles such as cars, trucks, tractors, and frozen balls of ice. If you hit these you will come to a complete stop. Other obstacles will not slow your plow down at all. Try to make sure if you are forced to hit an obstacle, that you hit an obstacle that doesn’t bring your plow to a stop.
Clean Road Tip #3: Keep Moving
When the game Clean Road was first released, there was a possibility of the cars that you free running into your plow. This would end the game for you and force you to start the level over again. A recent update has changed that. When your plow stops the cars following behind stop as well. If you stay stopped too long however, either an ice sickle or another holiday themed object will come down from the sky and wreck your plow. If this happens the game is over and you will have to attempt the level again.
If you are trying to get to the highest level ever in the game Clean Road, this can double the amount of time it takes you to reach your goal. For this reason it is vital that you keep your plow moving. The only thing that can cause you to fail to beat a level is sitting still too long and letting an ice sickle fall on your snow plow and cause it to crash.

How Many Levels Are in The Game Clean The Road? Has Anyone Beat The Game?
The short term goal in the game Clean the Road is to free all of the cars from the snow and clear a path for them to the other side of the street. The big picture goal of the game Clean the Road is to beat all of the levels in the game.
Many of those who play Clean the Road on a regular basis are interested in how many levels there are in the game. As you work your way through the different levels in Clean the Road you will notice that you can get to ridiculously high levels. I have a personal friend who has gotten to level 692, which to me is absurd. The furthest level I have reached is 91. So yeah kind of embarrassed.
The question is, how many levels are there in the game Clean the Road? The honest answer to this question is that we have no idea. Clean the Road does not provide a list of different levels for you to see how far along you are in the game. In addition to this, nobody has managed to complete all of the levels in the game Clean the Road. For these reasons we cannot say with one hundred percent certainty how many levels are in the game Clean the Road.
Although we don’t know how exactly many levels there are in the game Clean the Road, we can still make a fun little competition out of it. Below you will find the highest level that has been reached in the game Clean the Road as well as who reached that level.

World Record Highest Level Ever Reached in The Game Clean Road!
We have seen some players reach some insanely high levels in the game Clean Road but there can only be one world record holder for highest level ever achieved. Below you will find the current world record for highest level ever reached in the game Clean Road.
Clean Road World Record: Level 1,239
This world record was achieved by Donald Westley. If you have reached a higher level than the one recorded above, please comment submit your current level by following these instructions!
Submit Your Current Clean Road Level!
It’s easy to submit your current level and become a world record holder for the game Clean Road! All you need to do is send a screenshot of your current level to submissions@otlmg.com. Be sure to include your name and the name of the game (Clean Road) in the subject line!
We look forward to receiving your world record high level submissions for the game Clean Road!
How To Get Different Cars in The Game Clean Road? Unlock All The Cars For Free?
One of the fun things that you can customize in the game is the vehicle you use to “clean road.” The default vehicle is a truck with a snow plow attachment on the front that allows you to push the snow aside. You do have the ability to unlock and use different vehicles. In total there are 14 different vehicles you can unlock.
To unlock each vehicle you have to accumulate 100 coins. Once you do this you can tap the unlock button on the vehicle selection screen. This will unlock a random vehicle. You receive coins for completing missions and freeing other cars. If you want to unlock all of the cars for free you need to focus on not only completing levels, but completing missions. That way you can get all of the different cars.
How do you complete some of the daily challenges like completing a level without touching an obstacle? I’ve gone through a whole level without even freeing a car and didnt touch anything other than the snow and it did not give me credit for not touching an obstacle.