Ball Mayhem Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!

Ball Mayhem Game Guide

Voodoo has just created an American football style mobile game that is actually very entertaining to play. Although the game is young it has very few glitches and is very satisfying to play. If you have not already, I highly recommend you give the game Ball Mayhem a download. If you like football you are going to love this game.

Don’t get me wrong, Ball Mayhem is no Madden game, but it still offers fairly satisfying gameplay that uses some of the same concepts as American football.

Ball Mayhem Topics Covered on This Page:

Ball Mayhem Tips and Strategies
Play Ball Mayhem Against Friends
Highest Ranking in Ball Mayhem
Go Faster in Ball Mayhem

How to Play The Mobile Game Ball Mayhem – How to Control Your Players

Ball Mayhem Game Guide

When you start a game of Ball Mayhem three players from your team as well as three players from the other team will be face to face in the center of the playing field. In the center will be a large orange football. When the game begins everyone will rush forward to try to pick up the ball. This is where the Mayhem begins.

What is The Object of The Game Ball Mayhem? Ball Mayhem Rules

The object of the game is to pick up the ball with your player or help your team mates pick up the ball and run it into the end zone for a touchdown. At the same time you must tackle the opposing team’s players when they pick up the ball so that they don’t score. There is a bit of strategy you can use in the game Ball Mayhem but we will go over that later.

Ball Mayhem Game Guide

When you score a touchdown your team will be rewarded with one point. After a touchdown there will be another face off in the center of the field to gain possession of the ball. As for the field of play, there are boundaries where you cannot take your player. Well, you can take your player out of bounds but if you are carrying the ball, as soon as you cross the sideline the ball will drop out of your hands. Whoever has the most points after two minutes wins the game.

Teams in Ball Mayhem

Each team consists of six players. At the beginning of the game three players will start in the middle of the field while three others will start in their own end zone. This prevents players from scoring immediately every time. Your team mates will help block for you as you try to score, they can also pick the ball up themselves and score while you block.

How to Control Your Player in Ball Mayhem

The controls in Ball Mayhem are very simple. There are no fancy moves that you can pull off. All you can do is control the direction that your player runs by sliding your finger in the general direction that you want the player to go. I say “your player” because you cannot control what your teammates do. This kind of sucks because your teammates are usually not the brightest, they are computer generated and struggle to block or run with any sort of strategy.

How to Tackle Someone in The Game Ball Mayhem

Tackling an opposing player in the game Ball Mayhem is as simple as running your player into the player carrying the ball. When you tackle someone they fall to the ground and the ball gets jarred loose. At that point it is a neutral ball ripe to be collected by whoever can get to it first.

How to Tackle in Ball Mayhem

Usually there are a couple of players scrambling for it so really it is a fifty fifty shot to see who picks it up. The first couple of people to pick up the ball after someone has been tackled in the game Ball Mayhem usually get tackled immediately and cough the ball back up.

How to Steal the Ball From Other Players in The Game Ball Mayhem

There is a way to tackle someone in the game Ball Mayhem but instead of the ball being neutral, you immediately have possession. This is called a steal. If you steal the ball you can immediately start making your way to the end zone to score points for your team. Don’t get too antsy though, you may need to use some strategy to score consistently.

How to steal the ball in Ball Mayhem

To steal a ball you need to tackle the opposing player from the side. When you do this you will run through the player, steal the ball, and keep all of your momentum so you can start hauling to the end zone to score a touchdown.

How to Pick Up The Ball in The Game Ball Mayhem

Picking up the football in the game Ball Mayhem is just as easy as tackling someone. All you need to do is run over the ball with your player.

Football Mayhem Tips and Strategies – How to Score Every Time You Touch The Ball!

Even though Ball Mayhem is a loose and simplistic version of American football, there are still some similar strategies that you can use to be a better player. Below you will find some of the best strategies you can use to dominate the game Ball Mayhem as well as a video that demonstrates a few of the strategies!

Be Patient in The Beginning Then Scoop and Score!

The name of the game is Mayhem… Literally. However, it is important to avoid as much Mayhem and chaos as possible so that you can scoop up the ball and score. My tip for you is not to go for the ball immediately at the beginning of the game. Instead, be patient, let all the other players collide and fumble around for the ball. Then, once the ball squirts out, simply scoop it up and you are off to the races.

I have been using this strategy for about a week now and it works to perfection. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

Never Run in A Straight Line… It Doesn’t Work

Once you have possession of the ball and you are running toward the end zone to score, don’t run in a straight line. 90% of the time running in a straight line will result in you being tackled and loosing the ball. Instead, try to run straight until you see a diagonal crease in the defenders. Once you see a crease run diagonally through it then zig zag your way to the end zone. This works more often than it does not. In the video above you can see it work to perfection twice.

Use Blockers and Block for Your Teammates! Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

It is hard to not sprint straight toward the end zone once you get the ball in the game Ball Mayhem. In some cases it is your only option but if you have blockers in front of you, use them. Don’t run straight up the sideline if you have blockers in the middle that can take out some defenders.

Ball Mayhem tips and strategies

On the flip side, if one of your computerized teammates has the ball and is running toward the end zone, run alongside and block for them by running into opponents. It’s not like you can steal the ball from them and score yourself anyway. Be a team player!

How to Play Ball Mayhem Against Friends! Can You Play Against Other People in The Game Ball Mayhem?

A question that is commonly asked about the game Ball Mayhem is “am I playing against other people?” The answer to this question is no, you are not. It kind of sucks because it would be awesome if you were actually playing against other people.

Play Ball Mayhem Online

At the moment you can only play against computer generated bots. Hopefully in a new update for the game Ball Mayhem, we will see the introduction of a new game mode where you can play online against friends or random players. In my opinion the addition of an online gameplay feature would make the game Ball Mayhem a lot better. If you agree, share your opinion by commenting at the bottom of this post.

What is The Highest Ranking or Rating in The Game Ball Mayhem?

As you earn stars in the game Ball Mayhem you will notice your ranking or rating change. At the top of the home screen you will see your experience points/ stars as well as your current rating. Different ratings include bronze, silver, gold, and some others. Each level has a number. Once you get past say “Silver I” then you move on to gold and so on. Here is a full list of different Ball Mayhem rankings in order provided by Nick :

Gold I, Gold II, Gold III, Platinum I, Platinum II, Platinum III, Challenger I, Challenger II, Challenger III, Champion, Champion I, Champion II, Champion III, Champion 4, Champion 5, Champion 6

Highest Rating Ball Mayhem

There are some arguments going around about which rating is the highest in the game Ball Mayhem. We are going to settle it. As of now the highest ranking that someone has achieved in the game Ball Mayhem is Champion 11.  This ranking was reached by Ganesh Prem. If anyone has reached a rating higher than the one recorded above please comment at the bottom of this page and send a screenshot of the rating to so we can give you credit for your accomplishment.

How to Go Faster in Ball Mayhem! How to Make Your Player Run Faster!

While playing Ball Mayhem you will notice that some players are running much faster than others. If you are like me, you think to yourself, I WANT TO GO FAST! Well there is a way to make your player run faster in the game Ball Mayhem.

To run faster in the game Ball Mayhem all you need to do is block opposing players by running into them. When you do this you will get a slight speed boost. If you block another player while in the level 1 speed boost, you will get an even faster boost which will make your player go even faster. At this point your player will be going so fast there will be fire behind them.

Unfortunately there is no way to get a speed boost while you are carrying the ball. If you have the ball pretty much every player on the field will be faster than you. For this reason you must zig zag your way down the field to score. Don’t forget to use your blockers.

8 thoughts on “Ball Mayhem Game Guide – Everything You Need to Know!”

  1. I’m now at Champion 0. I was confused when I saw a zero instead of a one, but now I’m anxious to see how high I can get.

  2. I’ve reached champion 11. I’m also getting annoyed because i thought 10 will be it. But i suppose this game drags it on to make as much off those persistent ads as they can.

  3. I’ve currently achieved Diamond 1.
    There is ranking higher than Gold.
    I will send you screenshots as you email me back.

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