RADIAL World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

Radial World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

Word Record High Score for Radial!

We have been getting a ton of emails from players who want to know who has the highest score for the game Radial. Below you will find the current Radial world record high scores!

Radial High Score: 371,864,224 – Dante Baranello
2nd: 283,657,632 – Jadon Scroggins
3rd: 200,148,848 – Alex
4th: 113,773,592 – Jadon Scroggins
5th: 28,972,968 – Anonymous
6th: 16,228,858 – Simon Devillers
7th: 11,078,797 – Dante Baranello
8th: 10,411,105 – Collin Bossley
9th: 9,986,833 – Simon Devillers
10th: 9,215,144 – Tucker West

If you have a higher score than any of the scores listed above, please submit your score below so we can add it to the leaderboard!

Submit Your Radial High Score!

Submitting your mobile game high score is easy. All you need to do is send an email to submissions@otlmg.com. In your email please include the name of the game (Radial), a screenshot that verifies your high score, and a name or username you would like to appear in the leaderboard! Once our team verifies your score the world record high score leaderboard will be updated.

Below you will find some tips that will help you improve your Radial high score and get your name on the leaderboard!

Radial Tips and Strategies to Help Your Get a Higher Score! How to Score Higher in Radial!

Radial World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

The game Radial is very addictive and at times frustrating to play. In my opinion it is the perfect balance of mindlessness and strategy… If that makes sense. Radial is very easy to play but there are some strategies you can use to help you achieve higher scores and possibly even break the world record!

How to Get Bonuses in Radial! Radial Power Up to Get +5 Bonus

The first strategy I will share is my personal favorite. If you want to get the highest score possible in the game Radial, it is vital that you get as many bonuses as you can. There are a few different ways to get bonuses in the game Radial. The first way is to consume an entire shape. Each shape in the game consists of a number of smaller square pieces. If you eat all of the pieces that make up a larger shape you will get a +1 bonus. Always try to swallow an entire shape so you can get a bonus. Don’t go too crazy trying to eat shapes that are out of the way, because that could result in you missing a piece in the middle that could hit your balloon.

Radial World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

Another way to get a bonus or boost is to get a power up. Scattered around the levels there will be a circular power up that looks like a black and white version of the vortex you use to remove the shapes. When you swallow this power up, the radius of your vortex will increase allowing you to swallow more easier. This power up is sort of a double bonus because with a larger radius, it becomes easier to suck up an entire shape which gives you a bonus. It gets better though, when using the power up, you don’t just get a +1 bonus, you actually get a +5 bonus. So be sure to get a power up if you want to break the world record high score fast.

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