Why Won’t My Solo High Score Save in Tornado.io? Unlock The Cybernado!

Why Won't My Solo High Score Save in Tornado.io? Unlock The Cybernado!

Tornado.io is currently the most popular free mobile game available on the Apple App Store. Part of its success is due to the fact that the game is flat out addictive. The most popular game mode in Tornado.io is Classic. However, to unlock the Cybernado skin in Tornado.io you need to destroy at least 95% of the map in Solo mode. Seems pretty straight forward right?

Why Won't My Solo High Score Save in Tornado.io? Unlock The Cybernado!

There seems to be a problem that is preventing players from unlocking the Cybernado, or even recording a high score in Solo mode for that matter. Thousands of players are asking the big question “why won’t my high score save in Solo mode on Tornado.io?”

Why Won’t My High Score for Solo Mode in Tornado.io Save?

If you take a look at all the reviews for Tornado.io on the App Store, you will see nothing but positive ratings. The only blemish to Tornado.io’s perfect reputation is the numerous reports that the game is not saving people’s solo high score.

Why Won't My High Score for Solo Mode in Tornado.io Save?

In solo mode, instead of shooting for the high score, you try to consume as much of the map as possible. Your score is recorded in the form of a percentage. For some reason there is currently a glitch in Tornado.io that is preventing the app from saving player’s high scores in solo mode.

Why Won't My High Score for Solo Mode in Tornado.io Save?

As of now there has been no word of when this will be fixed but we hope that Voodoo will fix the glitch soon as it is preventing players from unlocking all of the tornado skins in Tornado.io. One tornado skin in particular will be impossible to unlock until Voodoo fixes the problem that is preventing the app from saving high scores in solo mode.

How to Unlock The Cybernado Skin in The Game Tornado.io

There are a variety of different skins you can unlock in the game Tornado.io. But there is one skin that is causing a lot of players a great deal of frustration. To unlock the Cybernado, a player must consume at least 95% of the map in solo mode. Many players have reported completing this task but are still unable to unlock the Cybernado skin.

Why is this?

How to Unlock The Cybernado Skin in The Game Tornado.io

Unfortunately, there is currently a glitch present in the game Tornado.io that prevents the app from recording high scores in solo mode. Until Voodoo, the creators of Tornado.io, solve this problem, there will be no way for anyone to unlock the Cybernado tornado skin.

Comment below if you think that Voodoo needs to fix this problem ASAP!!!

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