Arguably my favorite mobile game to play right now is Nano Golf: Hole in One! We have received a number of amazing high scores for the game Nano Golf, unfortunately there can only be one world record high score. Below you will find the current world record high score for the game Nano Golf: Hole in One!
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Nano Golf High Score: 33 – Kenneth Seriani
2nd: 27 – Daniel Chang
3rd: 21 – Kenneth Seriani
4th: 15 – Sara Walker
5th: 13 – Keneth Seriani
6th: 11 – Chris Baron
If you have scored higher than any of the scores listed in the leaderboard above, please submit your high score below!
Submit Your Nano Golf: Hole in One High Score!
Submitting your Nano Golf: Hole in One world record high score is easy! All you need to do is send an email to submissions@otlmg.com. Your email should include the name of the game you are submitting for (Nano Golf), a screenshot verifying your high score, and the name/ username you would like to accompany your high score in the leaderboard.
Nano Golf Tips and Strategies! How to Get a Higher Score in Nano Golf!
There are a number of different mini golf or putt putt style games available for both ios and android devices. Some games may be more detailed and let you choose customized Alabama putter covers, but is all that really necessary? In my opinion, none of them are even worth comparing to Nano Golf: Hole in One. The only thing that prevents me from giving up actual golf for this game is that in actual golf I get to drive golf carts.

What makes Nano Golf so entertaining is the challenge of hitting a hole in one every time. If you don’t get the ball in the hole on your first shot, the game is over. The object of the game is to get as many hole in one’s as possible without making a mistake or missing the hole. Norman Manley would excel at this game.
Some holes are very easy while others can prove to be very difficult, time consuming, and seemingly impossible. Below I will share some tips that you can use to help you improve your high score in Nano Golf and maybe even break the world record high score.
How to Break The Nano Golf: Hole in One World Record High Score! Get a Hole in One Every Time!
There are two different strategies that I use when I play the game Nano Golf. The first strategy I use is to use the grid lines on the grass as a guide. Some holes require you to hit a ball very straight over a long distance. In these situations you can use the grid created by the different shades of grass to help guide your shot. This also comes in handy if you have to bank off of walls. You can measure the midpoint of the wall and bank off of that point to help you get a hole in one.

The other tip that I like to use in Nano Golf is to always take the easiest route to the hole. Some levels will tempt you to take a more dangerous route by placing coins on a certain part of the level. Coins have no effect on your score, only holing the ball does. For this reason you should just focus on getting a hole in one as apposed to trying to get coins. Going for coins will result in a greater chance of failing the hole. While Nano Golf is much easier than the real game of golf it is still quite challenging. Unfortunately there is not a Raleigh, NC golf instructor that can help with Nano Golf.
Comment below and share your favorite strategies to use when you play Nano Golf: Hole in One!