Jetpack Jump Game Guide
There is a very unique type of mobile game that has been popular for quite some time now. We are not sure of the exact name for the style of game but it involves either kicking a ball, hitting a ball, or getting some object to fly forward for a distance. The most recent example of this sort of game is Jetpack Jump and it has rocketed its way into the top three on Apple’s ranking of the top free mobile games.
If you are looking for a great way to kill time or are feeling extra competitive and want to try to beat the world record for the game Jetpack Jump, this game will entertain you for hours. This game guide will answer some common questions as well as keep track of the world record high score for the game Jetpack Jump!
How to Play The Game Jetpack Jump!
Jetpack Jump is a game that requires a little skill and a lot of persistence. Basically the object of the game is to make your character jump as far as possible. The game is set up like an olympic long jump competition. The big difference between this game and the olympic long jump competition is that in Jetpack Jump your character has a Jetpack strapped onto his back. When the game starts you have three chances to tap on the screen at just the right time to get the maximum distance possible. As your player crosses the red line you will tap once, this will cause him to jump. As soon as his feet touch again you should tap again, this will make him jump again. It is important to time up the tap with the moment his feet touch so that you get maximum power and distance. When he lands from the second jump you will tap again. On this tap the jetpack will ignite and send him flying into the air.
Once your player is air born you will get to tap again and hold to use the jetpack. You can use the fuel in the jetpack as you wish but use it wisely as it can run out of fuel. Once the jetpack runs out of fuel the character will fall from the sky, bounce once, then slide to a stop. Once you come to a stop your distance will automatically be measured and you will be rewarded one coin for ever foot you traveled. For example, if you travel 300ft. you will receive 300 coins as a reward.
Coins are used to make upgrades. There are three different things you can upgrade, the first thing is your jump. Upgrading your jump will make your character jump further on each of your three taps. The next upgrade you can make is to the jetpack. This increases the fuel capacity and will also help you travel further. The last upgrade you can make is to your offline earnings. This will just increase the amount of coins your earn while not playing. All of these upgrades can be used as much as desired but the price of the upgrade increases exponentially, so use your coins wisely.
Below you will find some tips that can help you utilize your time as efficiently as possible and possibly even beat the world record for longest jump in the game Jetpack Jump!

Jetpack Jump Tips and Cheats To Help You Jump Further!
Jetpack Jump is a pretty simple game that requires little skill. Despite being a straightforward game, there are some tips and cheats you can use to help you get a higher score. After playing this game for about a week now our team has come up with the best tips and cheats for the game Jetpack Jump. Below you will find some of our favorite strategies to use when playing Jetpack Jump!
Tip 1 – Upgrade Your Jump and Jetpack ASAP! Don’t Save Your Coins!
Without upgrading your jump and jetpack you are basically wasting your time. It doesn’t matter if you get the perfect tap three times in a row, without upgrades you will never get over 100 ft. It is essential that you upgrade your jump and jetpack as soon as possible. There is no point in saving up your coins. As soon as you have enough coins to buy a new upgrade, do it. If you save your coins you will be jumping the same distance every time. If you jump the same distance every time you will make the same amount of money ever time. If you upgrade your items, you will get more coins per jump. Basically you will make more money faster if you upgrade as soon as possible which will help you jump further sooner.
Tip 2 – Don’t Wait To Use Your Jetpack!
To maximize your jump distance in the game Jetpack Jump it is important that you use the fuel in your jetpack… duh. The question is when should you use it? After hours of trial and error we have found that in order to maximize your jump distance you need to use your Jetpack at the very beginning of your jump. Basically, on your third and final tap, you should tap and hold. This will immediately fire off the jetpack and send you flying into the air. Continue to hold until your fuel is gone. This will help you achieve the maximum distance possible with your upgrade combination. If you use half of the jetpack at the beginning and half at the end, you will not go as far as if you just use all the fuel at the beginning.

Jetpack Jump World Record! Longest Jump Ever in Jetpack Jump!
Every player’s goal when playing Jetpack Jump should be to get the longest jump possible. To do this it is essential that you upgrade your jump and your jetpack as much as possible. It is also important for you get perfect taps ever jump so that you get maximum distance. We have seen some very impressive distances achieved in the game Jetpack Jump, however, there can only be one world record holder. Here is the current world record high score for the game Jetpack Jump!
Word Record: 1,293ft. - Thomas Deed
If you have jumped a further distance than the one recorded above, please submit your high score so the world record may be updated! To submit your score simply take a screenshot of your record and email it to submissions@otlmg.com. Also include your name and the name of the game (Jetpack Jump) in the subject line. Once our team verifies your world record high score, the record will be updated!

How to Get Different Skins in The Game Jetpack Jump! Unlock New Skins!
Like most mobile games these days you have the option to customize your avatar with various different items of clothing or outfits. In the gaming world these are known as skins. Jetpack Jump does allow you to customize your character. Here is how you do it.
There are not really entire skins you can get. The only thing you can change about your character is his hat. You can unlock different hats by flying different distances. Every now and then you will reach a chest. When you bump into the chest you will unlock a new hat. There are 32 hats that you can possibly collect. On the home screen you can switch between hats by tapping the “swap” button on the left hand side of the screen.
How to Change Your Character’s Shirt in The Game Jetpack Jump
Unfortunately there is no way, for now, to change your character’s shirt in the game Jetpack Jump. The only thing you can change is hats. This is sort of dumb but I have a sneaky suspicion… wink wink, that full outfits will be coming to the game soon. Keep your eyes peeled because the ability to customize your player’s shirt and the rest of the outfit should be coming soon!
Do Different Hats Make You Jump Further in The Game Jetpack Jump?
Many players are curious whether or not the different hats that you can wear have any effect on the distance that you jump. The answer to this question is no. It does not matter what hat you are wearing when you jump, the only thing that determines how far you go are the taps you take at the beginning and the amount of upgrades you have purchased using coins. It would be kind of cool if different hats gave you different abilities but they do not… as of now.

Can You Control Your Character in The Air in Jetpack Jump? How to Steer Your Character!
In games similar to Jetpack Jump, for example Soccer Kick, you can control your ball as it flies through different landscapes. You can somewhat control the direction it flies so that you can avoid obstacles and fly as far as possible. This unfortunately is not the case in the game Jetpack Jump. There is no way to control your character after you have jumped. Sometimes he will spin in the air but other times he will completely belly flop. There is no way to control what happens to him after you use up all your fuel.
I prefer to #top the Jetpack if my character rolls upside down. I believe if he’s pointing down, leaving on the accelerator just pushes him down. I always use the Viking helmet. Seems to keep him more stable and upright. I have max jump shoes and Jetpack level over 300. My record distance is over 32,000 m
I agree with everything you say, I’ve recently broken 40k meters with Jetpack level 333