How to Play Wind Rider Online – Play With Friends!

How to Play Wind Rider Online - Play With Friends!

Voodoo has been on a roll this month. We have seen the release of a number of great games that have climbed the ranks of the app store and reached the top spot. One of the newest games to climb into the top five free games is Wind Rider. This race style game is full of action and high octane fun.

How to Play Wind Rider Online - Play With Friends!

Players have been asking a number of questions about this unique game. One of the most common questions being asked is “can you play Wind Rider against friends?”

Can You Play The Game Wind Rider Online With Friends?

Online mobile games in the form of .io style games have become extremely popular. These games allow players to challenge other players online. Some even allow for you to play with select players that you choose. In most cases it is friends. Im not sure why anyone would select random people by name when they could just choose random players in a normal game, but thats none of my business.

I set out to try and figure out whether or not it was possible to play Wind Rider against friends or even play online for that matter. Unfortunately Wind Rider is not an online game. This means that you can not play Wind Rider online versus other players; not even your friends. This is very disappointing as the game play of Wind Rider would make a great online game. Imagine racing against friends in a squirrel suit across a city skyline… That would be awesome.

Can You Play The Game Wind Rider Online With Friends?

It is sort of frustrating because Wind Rider tries to make it look like you are playing against other players but in reality each race is against computer generated opponents. We are hopeful that one day Voodoo will add an online gameplay feature to the game Wind Rider. But for now we have to work with what we have.

How to Play Wind Rider Online Against Other Players

So as it turns out, there is no way to actually play Wind Rider online against other players. Wind Rider makes it look like you are playing against other players but they are actually just built into the app. Despite this, you can still play with friends. It is possible to play the game Wind Rider against friends; however, the manner in which you do so may be a bit disappointing. The only way to play with friends is for each friend to play on their own device and compare each other’s progress.

How to Play Wind Rider Online Against Other Players

Yes I know this is a disappointing answer, I’m disappointed to be writing it. But as of now this is the only way to really play Wind Rider with friends as there is no online capability as of now.

If you want Voodoo to add an online gameplay capability to the game Wind Racer like I do, please comment below so we can make this happen!

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