Game Guide For Flick Pool Star Mobile Game
Many mobile game developers have successfully created a game that mimics real life billiards or pool. Although they were successful in creating a game that simulated pool or billiards, few created games that went viral. One of the most successful pool themed games we have seen is Flick Pool Star from Voodoo.
Voodoo wasn’t scared to take a step away from creating another one of those extremely easy yet satisfying games that are so popular right now. They set out to create a game that was a little more challenging and required a little bit more effort to succeed in than a game like Color Hole 3D. What they came up with was Flick Pool Star. The levels in this game may not be as easy to beat, but it sure is addictive. This game guide will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the game Flick Pool Star!
How to Play The Game Flick Pool Star
While beating the levels in the game Flick Pool Star can prove to be pretty challenging, the basic idea of the game is simple. The object of the game is to knock all of the balls into different pockets. The pool table is not set up like an ordinary pool table, the holes are all lined up perfectly with the balls so that all you have to do is swipe the cue ball straight and knock the ball into the holes.
Basically the cue ball can only move up, down, left and right, There are no diagonal shots and no having to line up angles. All you do is swipe the direction that you want the ball to go. When the cue ball hits another ball it stops right where it is, there is no run off. The balls are always lined up so that they can all be knocked in in succession. You would think this makes the game easy, but sometimes the correct pattern of shots is not immediately obvious.
Once you clear all of the balls off of the table you move on to the next stage. There are four stages in each level then there is a boss stage at the end. Once you beat all five stages in a level, you get to move on to the next level. If you make a mistake, get stuck, or get stumped, you can just tap the restart or undo button.
When you first start playing Flick Pool Star it is extremely easy but as you get further and further, the levels become more difficult. At some point you are going to have to start planning your shots and using some brain power to beat the levels. Below you will find some of the best tips and cheats that you can use to help beat all the levels in the game Flick Pool Star!

Flick Pool Star Tips and Cheats – How to Beat All The Levels in Flick Pool Star!
Flick Pool Star is a simple game but there are some tips that can help you beat more levels faster in the game. Our team has been playing Flick Pool Star ever since it was added to the app store. There has been a sort of competition to see who can get to the highest level in the game. This has caused some of us to come up with some pretty helpful tips for the game Flick Pool Star.
Here are some of the best tips and strategies we have discovered for the game Flick Pool Star:
Tip #1 – Plan Your Shots Ahead of Time in The Game Flick Pool Star

Tip #2 – Swiping Randomly Can Help You Beat Some Levels in The Game Flick Pool Star
Sometimes you will reach a level in the game Flick Pool Star that you just cannot beat. Sometimes the best way to find the solution to a level is to just flick the ball randomly. You will be surprised what you can accomplish with a few random swipes. Just swipe randomly and when it doesn’t work out just hit the reset or undo buttons located at the bottom of the table.
I have probably beaten over one hundred levels that I was stumped on by simply swiping randomly and seeing what happened. If you find yourself stuck on a level in the game Flick Pool Star, try this strategy. It will feel good when you finally beat that level.
Tip #3 – Don’t Be Afraid to Use The Reset and Undo Buttons in Flick Pool Star
When I first started playing Flick Pool Star I noticed that there were reset and undo buttons, but I did not realize how useful they really were. I was under the impression that if you used them you would have to watch an ad or pay for more. I was delighted when I discovered you can use both the Reset and Undo buttons as much as you want without wasting time. Using the Reset and Undo button is important when you resort to using random swipes to try to beat a level.
Sometimes when you are in a bind you can take just a few shots back using the undo button and find the correct pattern of shots instead of starting from scratch. Like I said these buttons are extremely useful and should be utilized as often as possible when you play the game.

How Many Levels Are in The Game Flick Pool Star? Has Anyone Beaten All of The Levels?
If you have found this game guide you probably know that the game Flick Pool Star is comprised of different levels each containing five different stages. You have probably reached the point where you are curious about how many levels there are in the game Flick Pool Star. I personally started asking the question “how many levels are in Flick Pool Star?” once I reached level 100. I have since reached higher levels and most people have.
We have reached out to Voodoo to see if they would provide us with the number of levels in the game Flick Pool Star but they have not gotten back to us. It seems as though, like most other Voodoo games, that there could be an infinite number of levels in the game. This would be sort of a bummer because I, like many other mobile gamers get a kick out of completing all of the levels in a game.
Although it could be the case that there are infinite levels in the game Flick Pool Star, we can still make a little competition out of things. On this page we will track the world record for the player who has reached the highest level in the mobile game Flick Pool Star!
Flick Pool Star World Record Highest Level! Highest Level Ever Reached!
Some dedicated players have reached some incredibly high levels in the game Flick Pool Star. Unfortunately there can only be one world record holder. Below you will find the current world record for highest level ever reached in the game Flick Pool Star!
Flick Pool Star World Record High Level
Level 341- Thomas Watford
If you have reached a level higher than the one recorded above, please submit your score to our team so the record can be updated! To submit your world record level for Flick Pool Stars, send an email to submissions@otlmg.com. In your email please include a screenshot proving your current level as well as your name so we can give you credit for the record!

Does The Game Flick Pool Star Repeat Levels?
When you start getting to the really high levels in the game Flick Pool Star you may begin to notice some levels or stages that look oddly familiar. Don’t worry you aren’t going crazy. You have likely just gotten so far in the game that the algorithm that creates the different levels has had to start reusing stages. Although you are playing stages that you have probably already seen before, the level number at the top of the screen will continue to go up.
If you get bored of the same old levels but still love the game, don’t delete it. The developer will continue to update Flick Pool Star with new levels and new ball placements for you to solve. Just make sure you have updated your app to the latest version so that when Voodoo adds new levels you have them.