Bottle Flip 3D! Game Guide
We all remember the bottle flipping trend… The one where everyone would try to flip a half empty water bottle and make it land sitting up. Even LeBron James got in on the bottle flipping action. A lot of mobile games tried to capitalize on the viral trend but few were really worth playing. Many of them were laggy or just not fun to play. Recently a new bottle flip game has come out that is extremely satisfying to play. It is called Bottle Flip 3D. It is refreshing to see a game in the top five that does not involve blocks falling into a hole like in Blockbuster!
In this game guide you will find answers to some common questions asked about Bottle Flip 3D as well as a few tips and strategies and even the world record for the game!

How to Play Bottle Flip 3D on iPhone and Android
For some people flipping a water bottle is hard. Luckily, the game Bottle Flip 3D makes it as easy as tapping your finger. Thats right, you can literally flip a bottle over and over again and land it on various household objects with the tap of a finger. As you land on different objects they come to life. Some objects like bookshelves break and make the bottle slide forcing you to think quick. Other objects, like lamps, toasters, and microwaves, light up or turn on as the bottle lands on them.
When you tap your finger on the screen the bottle flips up into the air and lands perfectly. It is up to you to make sure you time the jumps correctly so that the bottle lands on an object and doesn’t fall to the floor. To get the bottle to flip different distances you need to utilize the double tap. When you double tap the bottle will make a second jump in mid air allowing you to get more distance in a single jump. There is no triple jump. This means that if you want to jump a further distance you need to make the first jump, then wait until right before the bottle is about to drop below the object to tap again and use the double jump, this will get you the most distance and help you get to objects that are further away.
The object of the game is to get the bottle all the way to the checkerboard table at the end of each level, once you land on that surface you have completed the level and will get to move on to the next one. The object of the game is to not only complete levels but reach the highest level possible. Below you will find some helpful tips and cheats to help you beat all the levels in the game Bottle Flip 3D!

Bottle Flip 3D Tips and Strategies To Help You Beat All of The Levels
Although it is easy to play the game Bottle Flip 3D, there are a few different tips you can utilize to make you a better player and help you beat all the levels in the game Bottle Flip 3D! Our team has been playing Bottle Flip 3D since it was released on the App Store and we have discovered some tips and strategies that will help anyone become a better player.
here are some of the tips we have found most helpful in the game Bottle Flip 3D!
Tip 1 – Look Ahead and Plan Your Jumps!
Here is a good all around life tip… Don’t make random jumps, have a plan. In the game Bottle Flip 3D this tip is very important to keep in mind. It is vital that you look ahead and see what obstacles and surfaces it is okay to land on and which surfaces and obstacles it is not okay to land on. Some objects are in the background and do not provide a surface for you to land on. Make sure you look ahead and see which objects are actually 3D and make a plan on how you need to tap to get the bottle there. If it is further away prepare to double tap, if it is closer just single tap.
Tip 2 – Learn The Different Objects
As you progress through the different levels in the game Bottle Flip 3D you will come across various objects. Some objects provide a simple flat surface to land on while others move once you land on them or move you across a flat surface. For example a fan will push the bottle forward or backwards depending on where it is pointed. A book shelf will break and fall to an angle which will make your bottle slide forward or backward. You should learn the effect that various objects will have once you land on them so you can prepare better when you encounter the objects again in different levels.
How Many Levels Are in The Game Bottle Flip 3D?
World Record Highest Level in The Game Bottle Flip 3D! Highest Level Ever Reached!
Do Levels Repeat in The Game Bottle Flip 3D?
As you start to reach higher and higher levels in the game Bottle Flip 3D you will start to see some levels that look sort of familiar. You may start to think that some of the levels are being played again. This could actually be the case. Typically with games like Bottle Flip 3D each level is stitched together by an algorithm that selects certain resources or objects from a bank and combines them to create a level. Sometimes the algorithm will grab the same sequence of objects which will result in the same level again. This is extremely rare but it can happen. If you are starting to see the same levels over and over again don’t worry, the developer will continue to add new features and new objects to land on in the game Bottle Flip 3D so players don’t get tired of playing.

What is The Hardest Level in The Game Bottle Flip 3D?
Most of the levels in the game Bottle Flip 3D are pretty straightforward. There aren’t many that come to mind that are extremely difficult. Although none of the levels are extremely difficult, there definitely are some levels that are harder than others. It is impossible to indicate which levels are the hardest in the game Bottle Flip 3D because each level number is different for different people.
For one person the hardest level could come up at level 143 while for others the hardest level could come at level 131. There is no way to say for sure which level is the hardest. Comment below and share which level has been the hardest for you and share what kind of objects you encountered!
I beat level 249 and im on level 300
Level 300 just keeps repeating itself so Yea 300 is Max atleast in the free version dont know if theres more levels in the purchased version
I beat the record! I’m at level 300 but I passed it and keeps making me play it again so I’m guessing there is no more levels?
Same here
Same for me there is no more levels after 300 and the hardest for me was 299
I have reached level 301 in 5 days, and the level 301 keeps repeating, so im guessing that thats the last level for now
Hey! I finished the game, or so it seems. It stopped at 300 and I just keep playing that same level over again. Great game though.
I am currently on level 254 in bottle flip. Higher than 249.
I have made it to level 300 and I can send proof. But it doesn’t go past that level, I have passed level 300 many times and it does not go on to level 301, is there no more levels?
Level 255
I have broken the world record on level 252
This is to inform you that I have broken the world record that was level 249 and I have reached on level 251 so please update your world record and add add my name in the world record
I have reached level 251 and i have got a new world record
No more levels after 300
Reached 300 with 26725 gems.
Seems stuck on 300 and what do I do with the gems?
I just sent an email to the address above. My 6yr old son and I just completed level 300 of Bottle Flip 3D. It will not let us go any further. I beat that level 3 times. Each time, it just starts us at the beginning of 300 again.
I reached level 251.
Did I break the world record?
The hardest level was 163!
I have encountered objects such as sofas, lamps, chairs, fans, vases, skateboards, books, tables, refrigerators.
I reached level 251.
Did I break the world record?
The hardest level was 163!
I have beat the game. There are currently 300 levels
I have made it to level 300 and it won’t go to 301
I love to play this games so much, but I hope the developer of this games will add more level for this games. I already max at level 300. I will email and attach screenshot picture of my level.