Aquapark.io Game Guide
There have been a number of trends that have come and gone in the world of mobile gaming. One that just refuses to go away is the trend of .io games. These games pit you against other players to complete an objective. Whether that objective is to knock every other player off of a platform or be the first to the bottom of the world’s longest waterslide, these games are just down right addictive. The most recent .io style game to find itself on top of Apple’s rankings of the top free mobile games is Aquapark.io.
Summer is here and this game goes along with the theme of summer by slapping you onto a waterslide and sending you flying into a nice cool pool. This game guide will tell you everything you need to know about the game Aquapark.io including tips, cheats, and the answers to some common questions.
How to Play The Mobile Game Aquapark.io!
Aquapark.io is one of the simplest games to ever grace the top of the charts. The object of the game is to slide to the bottom of the slide and try to beat all of your opponents. Basically it is a race to the end of the slide against 16 other racers. When you start sliding down the slide you will need to control the position of your avatar on the slide. You can move left to right to avoid other racers and obstacles. Moving side to side also allows you to bump other racers off of the slide and eliminate them from the game. To slide your character left to right you will simply put your finger on the screen and move it side to side. The character will move with your finger on the screen.
You may also notice that there is an area with water and an area that is dry to either side. If you want to go faster you should be in the water. The dry area to either side will slow you down just a little bit which could result in you loosing the race. Along with the water there are obstacles and power ups scattered along the slide. Obstacles usually consist of a colored wall that blocks a portion of the slide. If you hit the obstacle you will come to an abrupt stop and loose all your momentum. In addition to the obstacles you will see little arrows sliding down the slide, if you hit one of these arrows you will get a boost which will rocket you ahead into first place.
While on the slide you can also interact with other racers. If you run into the back of another racer they will get a boost and you will slow down, just like newton suggested in his laws of physics. If you are alongside another racer and bump them from the side they will fall off the side of the slide and you will be rewarded with a scull which represents a kill. If you are in front of a player and they run into your back you will get a boost and they will slow down. We will talk more about the different strategies and tips below.

Aquapark.io Tips and Cheats To Help You Win Every Time
There are a lot of different variables in the game Aquapark.io that can help you or hurt you, depending on how you understand and utilize them. Below are some of the best tips and cheats we have come up with that will help you dominate the game Aquapark.io and win every single race!
Tip 1 – Jump Off The Side of The Slide Every Chance You Get
Even though the object of the game Aquapark.io is to slide down to the bottom of the slide, you don’t have to actually be on the slide the entire time. The truth is if you stay on the slide the whole time there is a lower chance that you will win the race. The game allows you to jump off the side of the slide and make your own short cuts.
When you jump off the side of the slide your player will pull out a hang glider and glide through the air. This will allow you to glide over to another section of slide and land. You must be careful with this because if you can’t make it back to another section of the slide you will fall to the ground and die. Make sure that there is another section of slide within reach before you jump. An easy way to do this is to jump the opposite direction of a curve on the slide. Typically when there is a sharp turn the slide will actually continue in the opposite direction of the curve. So if you jump off the opposite side of the slide by swiping all the way to one side, you should have a couple of different landing options below you.
Tip 2 – Once You Reach The Home Stretch Don’t Leave The Slide
The second tip I have for you is more like an exception to the first tip. When you reach the end of the slide and you can see the big arrows and the jump into the pool you need to make sure you are on the slide. If you jump off the side and glide into the pool that counts as a death. You have to go off the colored jump at the end of the slide to successfully finish the race and earn the coins.
I have made the mistake time and time again of trying to make one last jump and glide move to jump ahead and ended up not even finishing and not getting any coins. Once you are on the final straight away, do not jump off the slide. Just play it cool and finish strong.

How Many Levels Are in The Game Aquapark.io? How Many Different Slides Are There?
World Record Highest Level in The Game Aquapark.io! Highest Level Ever Reached!

Do You Play Against Real People in Aquapark.io? Is Aquapark.io PVP?
Aquapark.io tries really hard to make you believe that you are playing against actual people. The sad truth is that you are racing against bots. You can tell that you are not playing against real people because even if you put your phone on airplane mode, you are still able to play the game against other racers.
The game tries to make you think you are playing against other players. The game gives every racer a unique name so that it looks like each player was given a name by a person who is controlling it. This is not the case. All the other players in the game Aquapark.io are bots being controlled by a computer.
Do Kills Matter in Aquapark.io? What Do Kills Get You in Aquapark.io?
One of the features of the game Aquapark.io is the ability to get kills. To kill another player you simply bump them off the slide. To do this you need to be right beside them then move toward them. For every player you knock off the slide you are rewarded with a kill. Some players are curious what the purpose of getting kills is. When you get a kill you are rewarded with money or coins that can be used to unlock new skins for your character. For every kill you get you are rewarded ten more coins.
Going for more kills isn’t nearly as important as coming in first. Winning the race gets you far more coins than getting kills. If you are trying to get as many coins as possible in the game Aquapark.io, try to come in first and get any kills that present themselves. Don’t go out of your way to try to kill all the other racers.

How to Change Your Character’s Outfit in Aquapark.io! How to Get New Skins in Aquapark.io!
The ability to customize your character is an important part of gaming for a lot of people. It allows players to express themselves in the game. Aquapark.io does have the option to customize your character and buy new skins however it is still in the works. Voodoo will likely add the ability to buy new skins in the near future. Otherwise what is the point of accumulating coins?
Keep saving up those coins because some awesome skins are going to be coming soon! Comment below and share what kind of skins you want to see in the game Aquapark.io!
I am on level 169
Hi friends, greeting from me (RaZzan) lv.1190😁👍, I love this game
I’m on level 6900… I think I a little addicted
level 143!!
I’m on level 1103
Je suis niveaux 385 mais je ne peux pas aller sur le site😯
Dear Admin
How to get the new destination
I have 11950 coins, but I don’t get the new destination . Only 3 destinations in my tracks.
Thank you for attention
I can’t believe I enjoy this so much! I can’t wait for another track view. I do have a few suggestions.
Make a game of the crash…,
-Saving bulls eye, land on ambulance, bouncing, etc. as the excitement of the “near miss” of a ramp is wasted.
-Let the player control the view after ending the race so watching the others finishing can be witnessed (I think I have seen it twice as of lvl 250)
-Let player control skin/hair tone (I would like to be R,B,G or spotted, striped, spiraled)
-More action at the end would be nice…, Swim to the side & pull yourself out.
-When jumping off the ramp let player flip, spin or dive to control access back into the race (and be cool flight)
-Make the “other” block aids work such as Ferris wheel, mountains, waterfalls (super-slick ramp edge to edge), etc as levels get higher or as sporadic difficulty (treat?)
Great game! Thanks for the effort!
Question – I noticed none of the other players hi scores at end of a race are visible. why is that? I have reached 368 coins for a single race but never see anyone’s score be any where near that. Surely I am not that good!
I’m level 459…
Level 313 have over £50000 coins and nothing to buy 😂
I’m on level 198…
Highest kills is 18 and I’m level 300
I’m level 460 now, my highest kills is 26 :))
How did I get 66 coins off one jump then 0 off another
I want a Elephant skin and a Unicorn skin
Ooohhh same!
i would love some new skins that are animal themed. or anything that is celebrity themed, like with famous sports players, movie stars, or singers!
Miraculous Ladybug 🐞 🇨🇵 ❤️
How I can open the hang glider
How do you get pass the instructions