Knock Balls World Record High Score – Get a Higher Score!

Knock Balls World Record High Score - Get a Higher Score!

Knock Balls World Record High Score! Highest Score Ever!

If you are accurate enough, the game Knock Balls allows players to put up ridiculous scores. We have seen many great scores but below you will find the current world record. If you have beat the world record, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page to submit your score!

Knock Balls High Score

Knock Balls High Score:  682,583 – Ricky Conner
2nd: 670,201 – Ricky Conner
3rd: 661,082 – Ricky Conner
4th: 653,215 – Ricky Conner
5th: 641,588 – Ricky Conner
6th: 636,024 – Ricky Conner
7th: 613,513 – Ricky Conner
8th: 604,899 – Ricky Conner
9th: 584,440 – Chris Sheehan
10th: 584,209 – Chris Sheehan

The world record high score of 682,583 was scored by Ricky Conner in February 2019! Below David has shared some tips that can help you score higher in Knock Balls!

Submit Your Knock Balls High Score!

If you have scored or have seen a score higher than the one recorded above, please comment below and send a screenshot to Be sure to include your name with the screenshot so that the world record may be updated!

Knock Balls Tips and Strategies

Knock Balls has come onto the scene as a fresh, simplified, 3D version of the classic mobile game Angry Birds. The object of the game Knock Balls is to shoot balls out of a cannon and ‘knock blocks’ off of a variety of different platforms. At the end of each level you will receive a score. There have been some high scores achieved in the game Knock Balls. Some players have raised the question “what is the world record high score for the game Knock Balls?”

Knock Balls World Record High Score - Get a Higher Score!

We have the answer to that question but first, lets go over how you can get a higher score in Knock Balls!

How To Get A Higher Score in Knock Balls on iPhone and Android

Although some players play Knock Balls to beat all the levels others play to beat the world record high score! The game does track your high score on the home screen. You may wonder how your score could vary if you are going to be knocking a set number of blocks off of the stand. Wouldn’t everyones score be the same?

I’ll explain…

Knock Balls World Record High Score - Get a Higher Score!

The reason Knock balls saves your high score is because it is actually possible to get a higher score as you progress through the levels. Basically the fewer balls you use to knock all the blocks down, the higher your score will be. Your score for each level accumulates until you either close the app or if you run out of balls. So to get a higher score in Knock Balls, be sure that you are smart and use your balls wisely. If you run out of balls your score will be recorded and will be reset. You will stay on your current level though.

Strategy Directly From Knock Balls Expert Ricky Conner

“I always use my first shot at the weakest point then work from the middle out hoping blocks will bounce and take others with them.”

Tips From Former Knock Balls World Record Holder Amanda Cavanaugh

“I try to find the “weak spot’ in each pile and aim for seams to spread the impact through as many blocks as possible.  Sometimes hitting sides or angles helps, too.  If there are multiple platforms that are sliding across each other, I wait until they line up and fire a ball through both piles.  I also wait until all the blocks settle after a hit because after they land back on the platform, they can still lose their balance and fall or roll off, sometimes taking another block with it.  And I usually use the extra ball shots on blocks that are stacked two or more high before aiming for the single blocks, otherwise, one of the two balls usually just go flying out into space uselessly.”

Tips And Strategies From Former Knock Balls World Record High Score Holder David Reese

“When aiming for the world record score and beyond you need to know that the points are achieved off of how many balls it takes you to complete a stage. I use three main strategies. The first strategy is finding the weak points in structures (areas where the structure will cave in and make the second throw easier or fall off) The second strategy is waiting for the blocks to fall and settle, this allows me to save more balls (that will help later) by letting stuff fall off and not wasting one or more balls. The final strategy is playing every level with the mindset of beating a record. As you probably know boss levels give the most amount of points (about 50,000 alone if done correctly) Some boss stages are better and it is a waste if you got a low pregame (score from levels before boss level) so it’s important to not waste those generous stages when competing for the record.”

9 thoughts on “Knock Balls World Record High Score – Get a Higher Score!”

  1. I recently updated my phone and when I went to play Knock Balls it was back to level 1. How do I get my progress back I had worked on from my old phone.

  2. This scoring system has puzzled me. How the heck can someone get scores in the MILLIONS?

    Simple solution.

    The “level” you are on (i.e. 2500), is the number of points you get for each ball NOT used during a step.

    That’s it.

    So if you had 2 extra balls on the first four steps of level 2500, that’s an extra 20,000 points.
    If you end up with 30 extra balls on the last step, that’s another 75,000 points.
    (On top of the points for the blocks).

    So if someone has managed to get to level 10,000 – that’s a lot of points for each of the unused balls.

  3. Liars! Liars! You manipulate the scores. First time game. I went level 8,812. Highest score 368,490. But after that scores were harder to get. So I deleted game.
    Second try at game I can’t get past 1,200 score.And I’m doing same things I did to get higher scores. Quit manipulating game. Just tell truth you’re rigging games to make harder.

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