The casual mobile game Square Bird has become extremely popular in recent weeks. The free game climbed its way to the top of the Apple App Store’s rankings of the top free games. This game from Moonee Publishing LTD reminds us a lot of the addictive feeling we got when we played the hit game Flappy Bird back in the day. There is definitely a lot more going on in the game Square Bird but it is not so complex that it is boring or confusing.

One of aspects of the game Square Bird that some people commonly have trouble getting the hang of is getting into fever mode.
What is Fever Mode in The Game Square Bird?
Fever mode is a power up that you can get where you basically become invincible. Once you achieve Fever Mode, nothing can kill your square little bird. When in fever mode, the bird shoots little balls ahead of it. These balls destroy everything in your path which allows you to get to the end of the level without worrying about running into anything or falling through the bottom of the map. The only thing that can kill your bird in fever mode is the gray stone walls. In most cases once you get fever mode it will last until the end of the level but it is possible for it to run out before you finish. Just be aware of this.
Fever mode in Square Bird also allows you to score some serious points. When in fever mode you get points bonuses that really help you score big! If you want to beat the Square Bird world record high score, it is necessary that you get Fever Mode as often as possible!

How to Get Fever Mode in The Mobile Game Square Bird!
In order to get fever mode and become invincible in the game Square Bird you must have three perfect landings. The three perfect landings do not need to be consecutive but they do need to occur within the same level. The perfect landings must also occur on flat surfaces with green grass on top. If you get what would be a perfect landing on a brown surface you will not be rewarded with a perfect landing officially. All perfect landings must occur on green surfaces. Be sure to always aim for green surfaces when trying to reach fever mode in the game Square Bird. On the third perfect landing fever mode will start and your square bird will begin spewing little balls that will clear your way and earn you bonus points toward your high score!
Comment below if you have any Square Bird tips you would like to share with everyone!