How Many Races Are In The Game Wind Rider? How Many Levels?

How Many Races Are In The Game Wind Rider? How Many Levels?

Wind Rider is a great mobile game that is terribly addictive. Voodoo did a great job of making a game that offers both action and interaction. You get action while you race against the competition but you also have the ability to upgrade your wing suit guy to make him faster and help you win more races. When you win a race you move on to the next level which is against different, faster, opponents.

How to Get to The Next Level in Wind Rider

In order to move on to the next level of Wind Rider you must win the race in the previous level. In the first level it is easy to win with a stock character but as you progress through the different levels you will notice that the other players are much much faster. This is why you must also focus on collecting money.

How to Get More Money Faster in Wind Rider

You get money for having near misses with objects. If you fly conservatively without getting close to any buildings or trees, you won’t get nearly as much money as if you take a risky route. Just be sure that you don’t actually crash into anything.

How to Get More Money Faster in Wind Rider

Another way to get money faster in Wind Rider  is to win. If you come in the top three at the end of the race, the money you make multiplies. First place multiplies the money you earned during the race by ten which will give you some serious dough to work with to upgrade your character and get to new levels.

Speaking of levels… many players are wondering how many different levels there are in the game Wind Rider.

How Many Levels Are in the Game Wind Rider? How Many Races?

As of now it is unclear exactly how many levels there are in the game Wind Rider. Being that Wind Rider is so popular, it is very likely that Voodoo plans on adding new levels to the game on a consistent basis.

How to Get More Money Faster in Wind Rider

For now the highest level I have seen someone reach is level 56 but I know for a fact that there are more levels than this and that others have made it further in the game. I personally think that there is a final level and that it is possible to beat the game Wind Rider.

Comment below which level you are on or if you have beat the game Wind Rider!

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