Jelly Shift Game Guide
The game Jelly Shift was on the app store for about one month before it rocketed to the number one spot on apple’s rankings of the top free games. This great casual game from SayGames LLC is extremely entertaining and unique. With the release of popularity of Touch The Wall and Jelly Shift, it looks like the mobile gaming industry is heading in the right direction!
Jelly Shift Mobile Game Review
Anyway lets analyze SayGames LLC’s newest game and review Jelly Shift…
Jelly Shift is a very fun game to play. The graphics are smooth and satisfying which makes the game more appealing. Jelly Shift offers a few different elements which make this game more fun than many of the games we have seen released this year.
How hard is the game?
Although the mobile game Jelly Shift is more difficult than most other games it is still nowhere near as hard as some other games we have come across. Right now the only way to fail a level is to fall into a gap. Also, the “fever mode” is far too easy to achieve and once you have it you literally can make it to the end of the level without even touching the screen.
How addictive is this game?
If you want a game that will help you kill a great deal of time without even realizing it, Jelly Shift may be what you are looking for. The fast paced nature of the game makes it a great choice if you are looking for a game to make time go by faster at school or work! If you want a game that you will be addicted to for months on end, Jelly Shift may not be a good option.
How to Play The Mobile Game Jelly Shift!
The game Jelly Shift is extremely easy to play but at the same time requires more skill than most mobile games that are popular today. The object of the game Jelly Shift is to morph or shift the shape of a cube of jelly so that it fits through various gates or shapes. You will have to match the shape before the blob of jelly reaches the gate, if you hit the gate you will slow down. Don’t worry though, even if you run into every gate with the wrong shape you can still complete the level. The only thing hitting the gate will prevent you from doing is catching the piece of food that is running in front of you. This only matters if you are trying to unlock all the skins and jellies. In addition to gates there are also gaps in the path with beams across them. If you have your jelly shaped like a vertical line, you will fall through and fail the level. Falling off the path is the only way you can fail a level.
Jelly Shift is one of the very few games today that requires a little more than just tapping or touching the screen with one finger. To control the shape of your jelly, you must touch and drag your finger up and down to change the shape. Dragging up makes the jelly skinny and tall while dragging down makes the jelly short and wide. For some gates you must shape your jelly somewhere in the middle, this is where things can get a little tricky.

For now it seems like the real mission is to get as many gems as quickly as possible so that you can unlock all the common and rare skins. There is a challenge mode coming soon that we are hoping will make the game Jelly Shift a little more challenging. But for now it seems like all you have to do to beat all the levels is not fall into a gap in the platform.
Jelly Shift Tips and Cheats To Help You Beat All of The Levels
The first tip we have for you is probably the most obvious one. If you can get through the first four or five gates perfectly, you will go into fever mode. Once you get into fever mode you will become invincible and are basically guaranteed to beat the level. Our mindset is, if you get to fever mode you have already beat the level!
Tip 2 – Focus on The Gaps
In the review of the game Jelly Shift we discussed the fact that running into the different black gates does not make you fail the level. For this reason it is recommended that you don’t focus too hard on being perfect. If you hit a gate it is not the end of the world.
The only thing that can make you fail a level is falling through a gap. If you are going to worry about one thing worry about the gaps and be sure that your jelly is flat and wide when you reach the gap. If you are in fever mode you don’t even have to worry about it.
Tip 3 – Catch The Food to Get More Gems
In every level in the game Jelly Shift there is a food item that is moving down the platform in front of you. If you catch the food before you reach the finish line you earn fifty purple gems, these gems can be used to purchase new jellies or skins. The food can be a popsicle, a watermelon, an apple, or any other piece of food. Usually the food is a fruit or pastry. Once you catch a third piece of food in a row, you will get a reward of one hundred purple gems.

How Many Levels Are in The Game Jelly Shift?
Until someone who has beaten the game does come forward, we will have to assume that there are infinite levels in the game Jelly Shift. Even if there are infinite levels we can still have a little friendly competition. Below you will find the current world record for highest level ever reached in the game Jelly Shift!
Jelly Shift World Record! Highest Level Ever Reached!

When Will New Skins Be Added To The Game Jelly Shift?
One of the big complaints that players have had with the game Jelly Shift, other than ads, is the limited number of skins available to unlock. Most players are able to unlock all the skins in less than three days. Some have raised the question “when will new skins be added to Jelly Shift?”
So far we have yet to see an update that added new skins. If you have unlocked all the rare and common jelly skins in the game Jelly Shift, just keep being patient. More than likely we will see new skins added in the next couple of updates!

When Will Challenges Mode Be Added To Jelly Shift?
On the Jelly Shift home screen players have noticed the addition of a dummy button that says “Challenges”. In the upper left hand corner of the button it says “Soon!” This is obviously a teaser for a new game setting that will hopefully be more challenging than the normal gameplay. We believe that Challenges mode is going to be a set of levels that are a great deal more difficult than the normal levels. It will be interesting to see how it turns out and just how challenging it is.
The question is… when will Challenges mode be available on Jelly Shift? From what we have seen with other games it can take developers a long time to develop a new style of gameplay for a game. SayGames LLC seems like they have a good team of developers working on their games so we expect to see something soon.