Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles Game Guide
It has been a while since I have seen a good puzzle game that was not a repeat or a remake of a game that has already come and gone. I was first made aware of the game Mr. Bullet when I saw an ad that showed the gameplay but instead of normal people serving as targets, the target in every level was Donald Trump. If you are on Instagram or play a lot of free mobile games you likely saw this ad at some point as well.
Anyway, I downloaded the game to see what all the buzz was about and found that it is actually a well put together game. I play this game a lot when I have some serious time to sink into it so I can knock out as many levels as possible in one sitting. I have yet to beat all of the levels but I am still working on it. Below you will find pretty much everything there is to know about the game Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles.
How to Play The Game Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles
Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles is probably my favorite puzzle style mobile game right now. The game is super easy as well as satisfying to play. The big picture object of the game is to beat all of the levels. To beat a level you must knock out all of the targets by shooting bullets. You only have a certain number of bullets to knock out all of the targets.
To shoot a bullet you tap and drag on the screen which will stretch a guide line from the gun. Once the bullet fires it will bounce off of walls over until it either hits the target or flies out of play. You can bank the bullet off of as many walls as you wish. When the bullet hits the target a little blood will shoot out and you will get to move on to the next level.
Another way to take out the target is to knock over the blue blocks. The bullets can knock over the blue blocks which can then hit the target and eliminate them. In some situations the targets will be standing on top of blue blocks. If you knock the block out from under them they will fall and when they hit the ground they will be eliminated. So you have a few different ways to kill the targets.
Below you will find some tips to help you beat all of the levels in the game Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles.

Mr. Bullet Tips and Strategies! How to Kill All The Enemies!
Just like in any other puzzle style mobile game, there are a few different strategies you can use to help you complete all of the levels in the game Mr. Bullet. Below you will find some of the tips and strategies I use every day when I play the game.
Tip 1: Use The Walls to Bank Your Shot
Tip 2: Your Bullet Is Unstoppable and Can Kill Multiple Enemies
If the fact that your bullet can bounce off of wall after wall wasn’t impressive enough, it can also kill multiple enemies. After your bullet passes through one enemy it will keep going as if it did not make contact with anything. This is useful for the levels where you have to kill more enemies than you have bullets. Make sure when you shoot your bullet, it is set to where it will be able to do as much damage as possible; ideally hitting more than one enemy.

When Will New Levels Be Added To The Game Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles? When Will There Be New Levels?
I am a big fan of games that have a finite number of levels, or at least show you a list of the different levels. There is something that irks me about these new style of games that just have thousands and thousands of levels and don’t tell you when they end. It is sort of frustrating. It is also kind of frustrating when developers don’t update a game with new levels fast enough.
The game Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles is extremely easy; maybe too easy in fact. As I have looked through the reviews of the game the only negative things people have to say about the game Mr. Bullet is that it is too easy to get three stars on each level. They want more of a challenge. I honestly like it the way it is now. Maybe the developers could make the game Mr. Bullet More difficult in a future update but what I would like to see is more levels.
As of right now Lions Studios adds new levels every week which is very nice for those of us who are absolutely burning through the levels. If you, like me, have found yourself out of levels to play, give it a week and new levels will be added in the form of an update. If you are out of levels and are not sure if your Mr. Bullet app is up to date, make sure you are at the most up to date version so that you play all of the levels available.

Mr. Bullet Spy vs. Spy PVP Multiplayer Game Mode! Play Mr. Bullet Against Friends and Other Players!
Mr. Bullet Spy Puzzles is one of the most satisfying games on the app store today. For those who have played the game for days on end without leaving their room, it may be getting a little old. But hold on! Lion Studios is working on making a multiplayer PVP game mode. Yes you read that right.
Lion Studios announced that they will be creating a new game mode that allows you to play Mr. Bullet against other players and against friends online.
So… yeah. That will be cool. They mention the ability to choose different weapons. It will be interesting to see how you can choose a different weapon in the game Mr. Bullet and to see what different weapons they add. As soon as we find out more about the new multiplayer mode in the game Mr. Bullet we will update this page so keep an eye out!